Thursday 14 March 2013

Duke's Invader

3/14 - 2 Deaths / 10 Push-ups

This Music did not soothe the savage beasts

I spent most of today a little lost. Clearing the prison area and battling the blue snake things was easy, but after I got back to the library I didn't have a clear destination.

Best not to use this angle if you're afraid of heights
I wandered around the library upper levels looking for a way forward. I was turning staircases, running back and forth along bookshelves, crashing into globes and taking arrows in the back. It seemed like the only way forward was a sacrificial jump and I was just clearing a mage off the landing zone when I got a notice:

You have been invaded by Flare Solaris.

Oh shit! This is real! A REAL invasion! NOT an NPC! I rarely walk around in Human form so this was a first for me.

Standing on an upper walkway over a huge drop didn't feel safe, but I had to get the mage out of the way regardless so I kept one eye down the path and one eye on the bow, firing arrows at the mage. As the mage died, the red spirit showed up on the staircase below. He turned the crank and brought the stairs to me... effectively opening the path I was about to try a leap of faith for.

I waved, he turned the stairs another few times playfully and I went along for the ride. This might actually not be a complete ass. Finally, he beckoned me to follow him.

He led me down to a lower empty room where we could face off fairly. Good honour! He even waited until I was ready and drew against him.

My honorable Aussie invader

In the end, a first for me, I won! All my forest invasions ended in a loss so this was thrilling for me. I wrote him and thanked him for being a good sport, for turning the stairs for me and wished him well. He did the same in answer.

First PVP Victory - a narrow one to be sure! I only won because I could heal.
Well met, Flare Solaris of Australia!

From this new area I found a back door to the gardens behind the archives. I fought a number of Golems, one of which was Gold and had Seig's Daughter captured within!

Yes, I have met your father. He killed me twice.

This led to the Crystal Cave, where I was knocked off a cliff to my death blocking against a crystal golem on a narrow walk.

I don't know if I missed a battle against that white dragon again but I might have to re-wander the halls of the Archives rather than face the cave. I suppose I could take the same stairs to the dragon as before now that I found the connecting route, but I don't know how to defend if he uses the same attacks...

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