Sunday 20 January 2013

Dirty Basin

1/20 - 24 Deaths / 120 Pushups

Gee, these lumbering sleepy knights kicked my ass, let's try that upper route off the garden path. Oh look, a basin! You wash your face in my sink?

Joy! New armor on a dead body! It's all leather, and only benefits if I'm attacked by magic. I never get attacked by magic. Fought and killed the Crystal Golems at the bottom of the hill. Yay for slow moving enemies! What's with the white light from the lake? Killed by magic.

Tried to get back to the Hydra in the lake. Killed by magic. Could barely even get close. Something's in the water, don't think I can suicide run to it though.

Went the other way. Black Knight warning by a fellow traveller. Sounds like a fight I can handle. Died. Tried again, fell three levels down the cliff, died. Died, died, died. Looked up help online. Soul arrows? Don't have those. Died. Parry and counter attack! Failed miserably. Use the tiny round shield! Couldn't even parry once. I might suck at parrying.

Didn't know what I could do, checked the wiki for tips, retried the lumbering fellas and managed to beat them and recover wolf ring and elite knight armor. Mostly not as strong as Eastern, but the pants are good.

I guess I need to try and face the Black Knight again. Not tonight though, triceps hurt too much.

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