Friday 26 April 2013

Bed of Chao- Oh is that all it was?

4/25 - 8 Deaths / 40 Push-Ups

Interestingly, one of the weakspots was already damaged when I arrived, meaning I only had to take out the second one. 

It took me five lives to figure out what to do with the Bed of Chaos after that. I hacked at his arms, shot arrows at his 'face', tried using fire weapons on the wood...

I was staring at the soft light of my bonfire thinking to myself 'I've attacked the left flank, the right flank, the top... what's left?
Is THIS the true form then?

So I blitzed down the middle. The AoE took me out on the first run, I jumped into the pit on the second, but try three was gold. I wish I took a screenshot of his tiny writhing form before I slayed that arboreal bastard.

Alas, dear Solaire is troubled...

I saw Knight Solaire once more near the shortcut door, surrounded by the little bugs. He was so sad... in his honour I went and joined the Sunlight Warrior Covenant. Praise the Sun!
My time in Lordran draws to a close, I can feel it. In this regard, I am now tying up some loose ends before entering the kiln. 

Finally, I can truly Praise the Sun!
My first stop was to say goodbye to the undead merchant in Undead Berg. Thanks for the help, I'll take good care of your dear friend Uchi.

Next, the Hellkite Wyvern needs to die. A simple task at SL 92 I'm su- OH WHAT THE HELL!? I STILL CAN'T BLOCK THIS?

Dark Souls.

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