Tuesday 19 March 2013

Sir Artorias and the Dragon

3/19 - 10 Deaths / 50 Push-ups

SPECIAL NOTE: Death #300 and Push-up #1500 awarded to Sir Artorias the Abysswalker.

Well, I've finally figured out how to get past the Stone Guardians. I stripped my chest down and have a very fast roll, and it looks like I was just dodging TOO SOON. Wait until the last minute and you get past the giant hammer/axe's reach.

I kinda take out my hatred on them still however.

I kicked their corpses off the cliff. Every single one.

Some more careful wandering and purging of scarecrows and stone guardians and I collected more of the Guardian set.... and had yet another bridge scare.

THIS again!?

Oh could it be another tease for a dragon that will kill me later? Perhaps in this giant open valley up ahead with corpses all over the ground. Oddly reminiscent of Darkroot Basin... like a version of it from the past.

I feel very exposed out here...

The dragon's black-spewing fly-by totally wrecked my shit. Some people had posted 'Weakness: Tail'. I don't know if that's a joke or not; he killed me without even landing.

Remember, remember the fifth of November.

Perhaps I can take an alternate route? Oh look, NPC! I think it's Guy Fawkes. Guy was sadly unhelpful. Just a shop? Nothing unique? Shame, really.

I decided to check out the big fog door instead of heading back down the waterfall and OH LOOK ANOTHER BOSS.

So badass
Motherfucking Artorias! Look he's killing a bad guy! I can help with that! I'll be on your team, let's co-op!

What do you say? Friends and chappies?

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