Wednesday 13 March 2013

End of Nito, A Duke's Introduction

3/13 - 11 Deaths (1 Stupid) - 60 Push-ups

Gravelord Nito gave me a better fight the second time. What I didn't realize was that the large skeletons that kicked my ass the second time won't come after you unless you head around to the back of the room. So next time I didn't.

I also approached him in Human form which meant I was invaded by my first NPC on the way there. Winning that invasion earned me a cool health-regen shield (NOT manly though) and a huge divine mace that I won't have the strength to wield one-handed until NG+. Insufficient Faith too, so yeah probably won't use it.

Paladin Armor from Nigo's Grave. Very SunBro.

With Nito defeated I made my way to Anor Londo to head up the hill to Duke's Archives.

Cool Library

The Duke has two unpleasant bellboys. On a whim I tried the Demon Spear and found lightning to be strong against them, even better than my BKGS +4, so that was nice.

Try Lightning

Many crystal hollow soldier dudes are in here, many archers too. One has to be careful not to get overwhelmed (which happened a couple times to me).

The farther I climbed the more the crystal was taking over, a very cool artistic effect.

Bellboy dropped his hat


This white dragon's attack seems unblockable and undodgeable and covering the entire floor. Unfair, even for Dark Souls... Keep chugging estus until he changes patterns! No estus left! I am dead...

But what's this? I was thrown into prison!? The game has never done anything like this before! Where the fuck are my souls?

I saw a bloodstain waaaay up a tall ladder near an unopened door and watched the dumbass jump to his death. Then I looked down and realized there was something there. So yeah... stupid death = 10 push-ups.

These things sounded like they were crying... so I killed them.
Oh hey look it's Big Hat Logan! He wants to be saved again, after he refused to sell me spells after I saved him LAST time.

We'll just see how much of a hurry I'm in to rescue you...

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